Table of contents:

Pandas is a specialized Python library for data analysis, especially on humongous datasets. It boasts easy to use functionality for reading and writing data, dealing with missing data, reshaping the dataset, massaging the data by slicing, indexing, inserting and deleting data variables and records. Pandas also have an important groupBy functionality for aggregating data for defined conditions - useful for plotting and computing data summaries for exploration.

Another key strength of Pandas is in re-ordering and cleaning time series data for time-series analysis. In short, Pandas is the go-to tool for data cleaning and data exploration.

Pandas Datastructures

Just like NumPy, Pandas can store and manipulate a multi-dimensional array of data. To handle this, Pandas has the Series and DataFrame data structures.


The Series data structure is for storing a 1-Dimensional array (or vector) of data elements. A series data structure also provides labels to the data items in the form of an index. The user can specify this labels via the index parameter in the Series function, but if the index parameter is left unspecified, a default label of 0 to one minus the size of the data elements are assigned.

To begin with Pandas, we’ll start by importing the Pandas module:

import pandas as pd

Let us consider an example of creating a Series data structure.

# create a Series object
> my_series = pd.Series([2,4,6,8], index=['e1','e2','e3','e4'])
# print out data in Series data structure
> my_series
e1    2
e2    4
e3    6
e4    8
dtype: int64
# check the data type of the variable
> type(my_series)
'Output': pandas.core.series.Series
# return the elements of the Series data structure
> my_series.values
'Output': array([2, 4, 6, 8])
# retrieve elements from Series data structure based on their assigned indices
> my_series['e1']
'Output': 2
# return all indices of the Series data structure
> my_series.index
'Output': Index(['e1', 'e2', 'e3', 'e4'], dtype='object')

Elements in a Series data structure can be assigned the same indices

# create a Series object with elements sharing indices
> my_series = pd.Series([2,4,6,8], index=['e1','e2','e1','e2'])
# note the same index assigned to various elements
> my_series
e1    2
e2    4
e1    6
e2    8
dtype: int64
# get elements using their index
> my_series['e1']
e1    2
e1    6
dtype: int64


A DataFrame is a Pandas data structure for storing and manipulating 2-Dimensional arrays. A 2-Dimensional array is a table-like structure that is similar to an Excel spreadsheet or a relational database table. A DataFrame is a very natural form for storing structured datasets.

A DataFrame consists of rows and columns for storing records of information (in rows) across heterogeneous variables (in columns).

Let’s see examples of working with DataFrames.

# create a data frame
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue

We will observe from the above example that a DataFrame is constructed from a dictionary of records where each value is a Series data structure. Also note that each row has an index that can be assigned when creating the DataFrame, else the default from 0 to one off the number of records in the DataFrame is used. Creating an index manually is usually not feasible except when working with small dummy datasets.

NumPy is frequently used together with Pandas. Let’s import the NumPy library and use some of its functions to demonstrate other ways of creating a quick DataFrame.

import numpy as np

# create a 3x3 dataframe of numbers from the normal distribution
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3,3),\
> my_DF
      First    Second     Third
0 -0.211218 -0.499870 -0.609792
1 -0.295363  0.388722  0.316661
2  1.397300 -0.894861  1.127306
# check the dimensions
> my_DF.shape
'Output': (3, 3)

Let’s examine some other operations with DataFrames.

# create a python dictionary
> my_dict = {'State':['Adamawa', 'Akwa-Ibom', 'Yobe', 'Rivers', 'Taraba'], \
            'Capital':['Yola','Uyo','Damaturu','Port-Harcourt','Jalingo'], \
            'Population':[3178950, 5450758, 2321339, 5198716, 2294800]}
> my_dict
{'Capital': ['Yola', 'Uyo', 'Damaturu', 'Port-Harcourt', 'Jalingo'],
 'Population': [3178950, 5450758, 2321339, 5198716, 2294800],
 'State': ['Adamawa', 'Akwa-Ibom', 'Yobe', 'Rivers', 'Taraba']}
# confirm dictionary type
> type(my_dict)
'Output': dict
# create DataFrame from dictionary
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
> my_DF
         Capital  Population      State
0           Yola     3178950    Adamawa
1            Uyo     5450758  Akwa-Ibom
2       Damaturu     2321339       Yobe
3  Port-Harcourt     5198716     Rivers
4        Jalingo     2294800     Taraba
# check DataFrame type
> type(my_DF)
'Output': pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
# retrieve column names of the DataFrame
> my_DF.columns
'Output': Index(['Capital', 'Population', 'State'], dtype='object')
# the data type of `DF.columns` method is an Index
> type(my_DF.columns)
'Output': pandas.core.indexes.base.Index
# retrieve the DataFrame values as a NumPy ndarray
> my_DF.values
array([['Yola', 3178950, 'Adamawa'],
       ['Uyo', 5450758, 'Akwa-Ibom'],
       ['Damaturu', 2321339, 'Yobe'],
       ['Port-Harcourt', 5198716, 'Rivers'],
       ['Jalingo', 2294800, 'Taraba']], dtype=object)
# the data type of  `DF.values` method is an numpy ndarray
'Output': numpy.ndarray

In summary, a DataFrame is a tabular structure for storing a structured dataset where each column contains a Series data structure of records. Here’s an illustration.

Figure 1: Pandas Data structure

Let’s check the data type of each column in the DataFrame

> my_DF.dtypes
Capital       object
Population     int64
State         object
dtype: object

An object data type in Pandas represents Strings

Data Indexing (Selection/ Subsets)

Similar to NumPy, Pandas objects can index or subset the dataset to retrieve a specific sub-record of the larger dataset. Note that data indexing returns a new DataFrame or Series if a 2-D or 1-D array is retrieved. They do not, however, alter the original dataset. Let’s go through some examples of indexing a Pandas DataFrame.

First let’s create a dataframe. Observe the default integer indices assigned.

# create the dataframe
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue

Selecting a column from a DataFrame

Remember that the data type of a DataFrame column is a Series because it is a vector or 1-Dimensional array.

> my_DF[['age']]
0    15
1    17
2    21
3    29
4    25
Name: age, dtype: int64
# check data type
> type(my_DF['age'])
'Output':  pandas.core.series.Series

To select multiple columns, enclose the column names as strings with the double quare-brackets [[ ]]. As an example:

> my_DF[['age','state_of_origin']]
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue

Selecting a row from a DataFrame

Pandas makes use of two unique wrapper attributes for indexing rows from a DataFrame or a cell from a Series data structure. These attributes are the iloc and loc - they are also known as indexers. The iloc attribute allows you to select or slice row(s) of a DataFrame using the intrinsic Python index format whereas the loc attribute uses the explicit indices assigned to the DataFrame. If no explicit index is found, loc returns the same value as iloc.

Remember that the data type of a DataFrame row is a Series because it is a vector or 1-Dimensional array.

Let’s select the first row from the DataFrame

# using explicit indexing
> my_DF.loc[0]
age                   15
state_of_origin    Lagos
Name: 0, dtype: object
# using implicit indexing
> my_DF.iloc[0]
age                   15
state_of_origin    Lagos
Name: 0, dtype: object
# let's see the data type
> type(my_DF.loc[0])
'Output':  pandas.core.series.Series

Now let’s create a DataFrame with explicit indexing and test out the iloc and loc methods. As you will see Pandas will return an error if we try to use iloc for explicit indexing or try to use loc for implicit Python indexing.

> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']},\
# observe the string indices
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
a   15           Lagos
a   17     Cross River
b   21            Kano
b   29            Abia
c   25           Benue
# select using explicit indexing
> my_DF.loc['a']
   age state_of_origin
a   15           Lagos
a   17     Cross River
# lets try to use loc for implicit indexing
> my_DF.loc[0]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: cannot do label indexing on <class 'pandas.core.indexes.base.Index'> 
        with these indexers [0] of <class 'int'>

Selecting multiple rows and columns from a DataFrame

Let’s use the loc method to select multiple rows and columns from a Pandas DataFrame

# select rows with age greater than 20
> my_DF.loc[my_DF.age > 20]
   age state_of_origin
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue
# find states of origin with age greater than or equal to 25
> my_DF.loc[my_DF.age >= 25, 'state_of_origin']
3     Abia
4    Benue

Slice cells by row and column from a DataFrame

First let’s create a DataFrame. Remember, we use iloc when no explicit index or row labels are assigned.

> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue
# select the third row and second column
> my_DF.iloc[2,1]
'Output': 'Kano'
# slice the first 2 rows - indexed from zero, excluding the final index
> my_DF.iloc[:2,]
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
# slice the last three rows from the last column
> my_DF.iloc[-3:,-1]
2     Kano
3     Abia
4    Benue
Name: state_of_origin, dtype: object

DataFrame Manipulation

Removing a Row/ Column

In many cases during the data cleaning process, they may be a need to drop unwanted rows or data variables (i.e., columns). We typically do this using the drop function. The drop function has a parameter axis whose default is 0. If axis is set to 1, it drops columns in a dataset, but if left at the default, rows are dropped from the dataset.

Note that when a column or row is dropped a new DataFrame or Series is returned without altering the original data structure when the attribute inplace is set to True. Let’s see some examples.

# data frame
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue
# drop the 3rd and 4th row
> my_DF.drop([2,4])
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
3   29            Abia
# drop the `age` column and update original DataFrame
> my_DF.drop('age', axis=1, inplace=True)
0           Lagos
1     Cross River
2            Kano
3            Abia
4           Benue

Let’s see examples of removing a row given a condition.

> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue

# drop all rows less than 20
> my_DF.drop(my_DF[my_DF['age'] < 20].index, inplace=True)

> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue

Adding a Row/ Column

We can add a new column to a Pandas DataFrame by using the assign method

# show dataframe
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue
# add column to data frame
> my_DF = my_DF.assign(capital_city = pd.Series(['Ikeja', 'Calabar', \
                                                'Kano', 'Umuahia', 'Makurdi']))
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin capital_city
0   15           Lagos        Ikeja
1   17     Cross River      Calabar
2   21            Kano         Kano
3   29            Abia      Umuahia
4   25           Benue      Makurdi

We can also add a new DataFrame column by computing some function on another column. Let’s take an example by adding a column computing the absolute difference of the ages from their mean.

> mean_of_age = my_DF['age'].mean()
> my_DF['diff_age'] = my_DF['age'].map(lambda x: abs(x-mean_of_age))
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin  diff_age
0   15           Lagos       6.4
1   17     Cross River       4.4
2   21            Kano       0.4
3   29            Abia       7.6
4   25           Benue       3.6

Typically in practice, a fully formed dataset is converted into Pandas for cleaning and data analysis, which does not ideally involve adding a new observation to the dataset. But in the event that this is desired, we can use the append() method to achieve this. However, it may not be a computationally efficient action. Let’s see an example.

# show dataframe
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,21,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', 'Benue']})
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue
# add a row to data frame
> my_DF = my_DF.append(pd.Series([30 , 'Osun'], index=my_DF.columns), \
> my_DF
   age state_of_origin
0   15           Lagos
1   17     Cross River
2   21            Kano
3   29            Abia
4   25           Benue
5   30            Osun

We observe that adding a new row involves passing to the append method, a Series object with the index attribute set to the columns of the main DataFrame. Since typically, in given datasets, the index is nothing more than the assigned defaults, we set the attribute ignore_index to create a new set of default index values with the new row(s).

Data Alignment

Pandas utilizes data alignment to align indices when performing some binary arithmetic operation on DataFrames. If two or more DataFrames in an arithmetic operation do not share a common index, a NaN is introduced denoting missing data. Let’s see examples of this.

# create a 3x3 dataframe - remember randint(low, high, size)
> df_A = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,10,[3,3]),\
> df_A
   First  Second  Third
0      2       3      9
1      8       7      7
2      8       6      4
# create a 4x3 dataframe
> df_B = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1,10,[4,3]),\
> df_B
   First  Second  Third
0      3       6      3
1      2       2      1
2      9       3      8
3      2       9      2
# add df_A and df_B together
> df_A + df_B
   First  Second  Third
0    5.0     9.0   12.0
1   10.0     9.0    8.0
2   17.0     9.0   12.0
3    NaN     NaN    NaN
> divide both dataframes
> df_A / df_B
      First  Second  Third
0  0.666667     0.5    3.0
1  4.000000     3.5    7.0
2  0.888889     2.0    0.5
3       NaN     NaN    NaN

If we do not want a NaN signifying missing values to be imputed, we can use the fill_value attribute to substitute with a default value. However, to take advantage of the fill_value attribute, we have to use the Pandas arithmetic methods: add(), sub(), mul(), div(), floordiv(), mod(), and pow() for addition, subtraction, multiplication, integer division, numeric division, reminder division and exponentiation. Let’s see examples.

> df_A.add(df_B, fill_value=10)
   First  Second  Third
0    5.0     9.0   12.0
1   10.0     9.0    8.0
2   17.0     9.0   12.0
3   12.0    19.0   12.0

Combining Datasets

We may need to combine two or more data sets together, Pandas provides methods for such operations. We would consider the simple case of combining data frames with shared column names using the concat method.

# combine two dataframes column-wise
> pd.concat([df_A, df_B])
   First  Second  Third
0      2       3      9
1      8       7      7
2      8       6      4
0      3       6      3
1      2       2      1
2      9       3      8
3      2       9      2

Observe that the concat method preserves indices by default. We can also concatenate or combine two dataframes by rows (or horizontally). This is done by setting the axis parameter to 1.

# combine two dataframes horizontally
> pd.concat([df_A, df_B], axis=1)
   First  Second  Third  First  Second  Third
0    2.0     3.0    9.0      3       6      3
1    8.0     7.0    7.0      2       2      1
2    8.0     6.0    4.0      9       3      8
3    NaN     NaN    NaN      2       9      2

Handling Missing Data

Dealing with missing data is an integral part of the Data cleaning/ data analysis process. Moreover, some machine learning algorithms will not work in the presence of missing data. Let’s see some simple Pandas methods for identifying and removing missing data, as well as imputing values into missing data.

Identifying missing data

# lets create a data frame with missing data
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,np.nan,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', np.nan]})
> my_DF
    age state_of_origin
0  15.0           Lagos
1  17.0     Cross River
2   NaN            Kano
3  29.0            Abia
4  25.0             NaN

Let’s check for missing data in this data frame. The isnull() method will return True where there is a missing data, whereas the notnull() function returns False.

> my_DF.isnull()
     age  state_of_origin
0  False            False
1  False            False
2   True            False
3  False            False
4  False             True

However, if we want a single answer (i.e., either True or False) to report if there is a missing data in the data frame, we will first convert the DataFrame to a NumPy array and use the function any().

The any function returns True when at least one of the elements in the dataset is True. In this case, isnull() returns a DataFrame of booleans where True designates a cell with a missing value.

Let’s see how that works

> my_DF.isnull().values.any()
'Output':  True

Removing missing data

Pandas has a function dropna() which is used to filter or remove missing data from a DataFrame. dropna() returns a new DataFrame without missing data. Let’s see examples of how this works

# let's see our dataframe with missing data
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'age': [15,17,np.nan,29,25], \
            'state_of_origin':['Lagos', 'Cross River', 'Kano', 'Abia', np.nan]})
> my_DF
    age state_of_origin
0  15.0           Lagos
1  17.0     Cross River
2   NaN            Kano
3  29.0            Abia
4  25.0             NaN
# let's run dropna() to remove all rows with missing values
> my_DF.dropna()
    age state_of_origin
0  15.0           Lagos
1  17.0     Cross River
3  29.0            Abia

As we will observe from the above code-block, dropna() drops all rows that contain a missing value. But we may not want that. We may rather, for example, want to drop columns with missing data, or drop rows where all the observations are missing or better still remove consequent on the number of observations present in a particular row.

Let’s see examples of this options. First let’s expand our example dataset

> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'Capital': ['Yola', np.nan, np.nan, 'Port-Harcourt', 'Jalingo'],
 'Population': [3178950, np.nan, 2321339, np.nan, 2294800],
 'State': ['Adamawa', np.nan, 'Yobe', np.nan, 'Taraba'],
 'LGAs': [22, np.nan, 17, 23, 16]})
> my_DF
         Capital  LGAs  Population    State
0           Yola  22.0   3178950.0  Adamawa
1            NaN   NaN         NaN      NaN
2            NaN  17.0   2321339.0     Yobe
3  Port-Harcourt  23.0         NaN      NaN
4        Jalingo  16.0   2294800.0   Taraba

Drop columns with NaN. This option is not often used in practice.

> my_DF.dropna(axis=1)
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Drop rows where all the observations are missing.

> my_DF.dropna(how='all')
         Capital  LGAs  Population    State
0           Yola  22.0   3178950.0  Adamawa
2            NaN  17.0   2321339.0     Yobe
3  Port-Harcourt  23.0         NaN      NaN
4        Jalingo  16.0   2294800.0   Taraba

Drop rows based on an observation threshold. By adjusting the thresh attribute, we can drop rows where the number of observations in the row is less than the thresh value.

# drop rows where number of NaN are less than 3
> my_DF.dropna(thresh=3)
   Capital  LGAs  Population    State
0     Yola  22.0   3178950.0  Adamawa
2      NaN  17.0   2321339.0     Yobe
4  Jalingo  16.0   2294800.0   Taraba

Imputing values into missing data

Imputing values as substitutes for missing data is a standard practice in preparing data for Machine Learning. Pandas has a fillna() function for this purpose. A simple approach is to fill NaNs with zeros.

> my_DF.fillna(0) # we can also run my_DF.replace(np.nan, 0)
         Capital  LGAs  Population    State
0           Yola  22.0   3178950.0  Adamawa
1              0   0.0         0.0        0
2              0  17.0   2321339.0     Yobe
3  Port-Harcourt  23.0         0.0        0
4        Jalingo  16.0   2294800.0   Taraba

Another tactic is to fill missing values with the mean of the column value.

> my_DF.fillna(my_DF.mean())
         Capital  LGAs  Population    State
0           Yola  22.0   3178950.0  Adamawa
1            NaN  19.5   2598363.0      NaN
2            NaN  17.0   2321339.0     Yobe
3  Port-Harcourt  23.0   2598363.0      NaN
4        Jalingo  16.0   2294800.0   Taraba

Data Aggregation (Grouping)

We will touch briefly on a common practice in Data Science, and that is grouping a set of data attributes, either for retrieving some group statistics or applying a particular set of functions to the group. Grouping is commonly used for data exploration and plotting graphs to understand more about the data set. Missing data are automatically excluded in a grouping operation.

Let’s see examples of how this works

# create a data frame
> my_DF = pd.DataFrame({'Sex': ['M', 'F', 'M', 'F','M', 'F','M', 'F'],
 'Age': np.random.randint(15,60,8),
 'Salary': np.random.rand(8)*10000})
> my_DF
   Age       Salary Sex
0   54  6092.596170   M
1   57  3148.886141   F
2   37  5960.916038   M
3   23  6713.133849   F
4   34  5208.240349   M
5   25  2469.118934   F
6   50  1277.511182   M
7   54  3529.201109   F

Let’s find the mean age and salary for observations in our dataset grouped by Sex.

> my_DF.groupby('Sex').mean()
       Age       Salary
F    39.75  3965.085008
M    43.75  4634.815935

We can group by more than one variable. In this case for each Sex group, also group the age and find the mean of the other numeric variables.

> my_DF.groupby([my_DF['Sex'], my_DF['Age']]).mean()
Sex Age             
F   23   6713.133849
    25   2469.118934
    54   3529.201109
    57   3148.886141
M   34   5208.240349
    37   5960.916038
    50   1277.511182
    54   6092.596170

Also, we can use a variable as a group key to run a group function on another variable or sets of variables.

> my_DF['Age'].groupby(my_DF['Salary']).mean()
1277.511182    50
2469.118934    25
3148.886141    57
3529.201109    54
5208.240349    34
5960.916038    37
6092.596170    54
6713.133849    23
Name: Age, dtype: int64

Statistical Summaries

Descriptive statistics is an essential component of the Data Science pipeline. By investigating the properties of the dataset, we can gain a better understanding of the data and the relationship between the variables. This information is useful in making decisions about the type of data transformations to carry out or the types of learning algorithms to spot-check. Let’s see some examples of simple statistical functions in Pandas.

First, we’ll create a Pandas dataframe

> my_DF = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10,80,[7,4]),\
            columns=['First','Second','Third', 'Fourth'])
   First  Second  Third  Fourth
0     47      32     66      52
1     37      66     16      22
2     24      16     63      36
3     70      47     62      12
4     74      61     44      18
5     65      73     21      37
6     44      47     23      13

Use the describe function to obtain summary statistics of a dataset. Eight statistical measures are displayed. They are: count, mean, standard deviation, minimum value, 25th percentile, 50th percentile or median, 75th percentile and the maximum value.

> my_DF.describe()
           First     Second      Third     Fourth
count   7.000000   7.000000   7.000000   7.000000
mean   51.571429  48.857143  42.142857  27.142857
std    18.590832  19.978560  21.980511  14.904458
min    24.000000  16.000000  16.000000  12.000000
25%    40.500000  39.500000  22.000000  15.500000
50%    47.000000  47.000000  44.000000  22.000000
75%    67.500000  63.500000  62.500000  36.500000
max    74.000000  73.000000  66.000000  52.000000


Correlation shows how much relationship exists between two variables. Parametric machine learning methods such as logistic and linear regression can take a performance hit when variables are highly correlated. The correlation values range from -1 to 1, with 0 indicating no correlation at all. -1 signifies that the variables are strongly negatively correlated while 1 shows that the variables are strongly positively correlated. In practice, it is safe to eliminate variables that have a correlation value greater than -0.7 or 0.7. A common correlation estimate in use is the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

> my_DF.corr(method='pearson')
           First    Second     Third    Fourth
First   1.000000  0.587645 -0.014100 -0.317333
Second  0.587645  1.000000 -0.768495 -0.345265
Third  -0.014100 -0.768495  1.000000  0.334169
Fourth -0.317333 -0.345265  0.334169  1.000000


Another important statistical metric is the skewness of the dataset. Skewness is when a bell-shaped or Normal distribution is shifted towards the right or the left. Pandas offer a convenient function called skew() to check the skewness of each variable. Values close to 0 are more normally distributed with less skew.

> my_DF.skew()
First    -0.167782
Second   -0.566914
Third    -0.084490
Fourth    0.691332
dtype: float64

Importing Data

Again, getting data into the programming environment for analysis is a fundamental and first step for any data analytics or machine learning task. In practice, data usually comes in a comma separated value, csv format.

> my_DF = pd.read_csv('link_to_file/csv_file', sep=',', header = None)

To export a DataFrame back to csv

> my_DF.to_csv('file_name.csv')

Timeseries with Pandas

One of the core strength of Pandas is its powerful set of functions for manipulating Timeseries datasets. A couple of these functions are covered in this material.

Importing a Dataset with a DateTime column

When importing a dataset that has a column containing datetime entries. Pandas has an attribite in the read_csv method called parse_dates that converts the datetime column from strings into Pandas date datatype. The attribute index_col uses the the column of datetimes as an index to the DataFrame.

The method head() prints out the first 5 rows of the DataFrame, while the method tail() prints out the last 5 rows of the DataFrame. This function is very useful for taking a peek at a large DataFrame without having to bear the computational cost of printing it out entirely.

# load the data
> data = pd.read_csv('crypto-markets.csv', parse_dates=['date'], index_col='date')
> data.head()
	slug	symbol	name	ranknow	open	high	low	close	volume	market	close_ratio	spread
2013-04-28	bitcoin	BTC	Bitcoin	1	135.30	135.98	132.10	134.21	0	1500520000	0.5438	3.88
2013-04-29	bitcoin	BTC	Bitcoin	1	134.44	147.49	134.00	144.54	0	1491160000	0.7813	13.49
2013-04-30	bitcoin	BTC	Bitcoin	1	144.00	146.93	134.05	139.00	0	1597780000	0.3843	12.88
2013-05-01	bitcoin	BTC	Bitcoin	1	139.00	139.89	107.72	116.99	0	1542820000	0.2882	32.17
2013-05-02	bitcoin	BTC	Bitcoin	1	116.38	125.60	92.28	105.21	0	1292190000	0.3881	33.32

Let’s examine the index of the imported data, notice that they are the datetime entries.

# get the row indices
> data.index
DatetimeIndex(['2013-04-28', '2013-04-29', '2013-04-30', '2013-05-01',
               '2013-05-02', '2013-05-03', '2013-05-04', '2013-05-05',
               '2013-05-06', '2013-05-07',
               '2018-01-01', '2018-01-02', '2018-01-03', '2018-01-04',
               '2018-01-05', '2018-01-06', '2018-01-07', '2018-01-08',
               '2018-01-09', '2018-01-10'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=659373, freq=None)

Selection Using DatetimeIndex

The DatetimeIndex can be used to select the observations of the dataset in various interesting ways. For example, we can select the observation of an exact day, or the observations belonging to a particular month or year. More the selected observation can be subsetted by columns and grouped to give more insight in understanding the dataset.

Let’s see some examples

Select a particular date

# select a particular date
> data['2018-01-05'].head()
                    slug symbol          name  ranknow      open      high  \
2018-01-05       bitcoin    BTC       Bitcoin        1  15477.20  17705.20   
2018-01-05      ethereum    ETH      Ethereum        2    975.75   1075.39   
2018-01-05        ripple    XRP        Ripple        3      3.30      3.56   
2018-01-05  bitcoin-cash    BCH  Bitcoin Cash        4   2400.74   2648.32   
2018-01-05       cardano    ADA       Cardano        5      1.17      1.25   

                     low         close       volume        market  \
2018-01-05  15202.800000  17429.500000  23840900000  259748000000   
2018-01-05    956.330000    997.720000   6683150000   94423900000   
2018-01-05      2.830000      3.050000   6288500000  127870000000   
2018-01-05   2370.590000   2584.480000   2115710000   40557600000   
2018-01-05      0.903503      0.999559    508100000   30364400000   

            close_ratio   spread  
2018-01-05       0.8898  2502.40  
2018-01-05       0.3476   119.06  
2018-01-05       0.3014     0.73  
2018-01-05       0.7701   277.73  
2018-01-05       0.2772     0.35
# select a range of dates
> data['2018-01-05':'2018-01-06'].head()
                slug symbol      name  ranknow      open      high       low  \
2018-01-05   bitcoin    BTC   Bitcoin        1  15477.20  17705.20  15202.80   
2018-01-06   bitcoin    BTC   Bitcoin        1  17462.10  17712.40  16764.60   
2018-01-05  ethereum    ETH  Ethereum        2    975.75   1075.39    956.33   
2018-01-06  ethereum    ETH  Ethereum        2    995.15   1060.71    994.62   
2018-01-05    ripple    XRP    Ripple        3      3.30      3.56      2.83   

               close       volume        market  close_ratio   spread  
2018-01-05  17429.50  23840900000  259748000000       0.8898  2502.40  
2018-01-06  17527.00  18314600000  293091000000       0.8044   947.80  
2018-01-05    997.72   6683150000   94423900000       0.3476   119.06  
2018-01-06   1041.68   4662220000   96326500000       0.7121    66.09  
2018-01-05      3.05   6288500000  127870000000       0.3014     0.73 

Select a month

# select a particular month
> data['2018-01'].head()
               slug symbol     name  ranknow     open     high      low  \
2018-01-01  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  14112.2  14112.2  13154.7   
2018-01-02  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  13625.0  15444.6  13163.6   
2018-01-03  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  14978.2  15572.8  14844.5   
2018-01-04  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  15270.7  15739.7  14522.2   
2018-01-05  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  15477.2  17705.2  15202.8   

              close       volume        market  close_ratio  spread  
2018-01-01  13657.2  10291200000  236725000000       0.5248   957.5  
2018-01-02  14982.1  16846600000  228579000000       0.7972  2281.0  
2018-01-03  15201.0  16871900000  251312000000       0.4895   728.3  
2018-01-04  15599.2  21783200000  256250000000       0.8846  1217.5  
2018-01-05  17429.5  23840900000  259748000000       0.8898  2502.4

Select a year

# select a particular year
> data['2018'].head()
               slug symbol     name  ranknow     open     high      low  \
2018-01-01  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  14112.2  14112.2  13154.7   
2018-01-02  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  13625.0  15444.6  13163.6   
2018-01-03  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  14978.2  15572.8  14844.5   
2018-01-04  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  15270.7  15739.7  14522.2   
2018-01-05  bitcoin    BTC  Bitcoin        1  15477.2  17705.2  15202.8   

              close       volume        market  close_ratio  spread  
2018-01-01  13657.2  10291200000  236725000000       0.5248   957.5  
2018-01-02  14982.1  16846600000  228579000000       0.7972  2281.0  
2018-01-03  15201.0  16871900000  251312000000       0.4895   728.3  
2018-01-04  15599.2  21783200000  256250000000       0.8846  1217.5  
2018-01-05  17429.5  23840900000  259748000000       0.8898  2502.4

Subset Data Columns and Find Summaries

Get the closing prices of Bitcoin stocks for the Month of January

> data.loc[data.slug == 'bitcoin', 'close']['2018-01']
2018-01-01    13657.2
2018-01-02    14982.1
2018-01-03    15201.0
2018-01-04    15599.2
2018-01-05    17429.5
2018-01-06    17527.0
2018-01-07    16477.6
2018-01-08    15170.1
2018-01-09    14595.4
2018-01-10    14973.3

Find the mean market value of Ethereum for the Month of January

> data.loc[data.slug == 'ethereum', 'market']['2018-01'].mean()

Resampling datetime objects

A Pandas DataFrame with an index of DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex, or TimedeltaIndex can be resampled to any of the date time frequencies from seconds, to minutes, to months. Let’s see some examples.

Let’s get the average monthly closing values for Litecoin.

> data.loc[data.slug == 'bitcoin', 'close'].resample('M').mean().head()
2013-04-30    139.250000
2013-05-31    119.993226
2013-06-30    107.761333
2013-07-31     90.512258
2013-08-31    113.905161
Freq: M, Name: close, dtype: float64

Get the average weekly market value of Bitcoin Cash.

> data.loc[data.symbol == 'BCH', 'market'].resample('W').mean().head()
2017-07-23    0.000000e+00
2017-07-30    0.000000e+00
2017-08-06    3.852961e+09
2017-08-13    4.982661e+09
2017-08-20    7.355117e+09
Freq: W-SUN, Name: market, dtype: float64

Convert to datetime datatype using to_datetime

Pandas uses the to_datetime method to convert strings to Pandas datetime datatype. The to_datetime method is smart enough to infer a datetime representation from a string of dates passed with different formats. The default output format of to_datetime is in the following order year, month, day, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond.

The input to to_datetime is recognized as month, day, year. Although can easily be modified by setting the attributes dayfirst or yearfirst to True.

For example, if dayfirst is set to True, the input is recognized as day, month, year.

Let’s see an example of this.

# create list of dates
> my_dates = ['Friday, May 11, 2018', '11/5/2018', '11-5-2018', '5/11/2018', '2018.5.11']
> pd.to_datetime(my_dates)
DatetimeIndex(['2018-05-11', '2018-11-05', '2018-11-05', '2018-05-11',
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Let’s set dayfirst to True. Observe that the first input in the string is treated as a day in the output.

# set dayfirst to True
> pd.to_datetime('5-11-2018', dayfirst = True)
Timestamp('2018-11-05 00:00:00')

The shift() method

A typical step in a timeseries use-case is to convert the timeseries dataset into a supervised learning framework for predicting the outcome for a given time instant. The shift() method is used to adjust a Pandas DataFrame column by shifting the observations forwards or backward. If the observations are pulled backward (or lagged), NaNs are attached at the tail of the column. But if the values are pushed forward, the head of the column will contain NaNs. This step is important for adjusting the target variable of a dataset to predict outcomes $n$-days or steps or instances into the future. Let’s see some examples

Subset columns for the observations related to Bitcoin Cash.

# subset a few columns
> data_subset_BCH = data.loc[data.symbol == 'BCH', ['open','high','low','close']]
> data_subset_BCH.head()
              open    high     low   close
2017-07-23  555.89  578.97  411.78  413.06
2017-07-24  412.58  578.89  409.21  440.70
2017-07-25  441.35  541.66  338.09  406.90
2017-07-26  407.08  486.16  321.79  365.82
2017-07-27  417.10  460.97  367.78  385.48

Now let’s create a target variable that contains the closing rates 3 days into the future.

> data_subset_BCH['close_4_ahead'] = data_subset_BCH['close'].shift(-4)
> data_subset_BCH.head()
              open    high     low   close  close_4_ahead
2017-07-23  555.89  578.97  411.78  413.06         385.48
2017-07-24  412.58  578.89  409.21  440.70         406.05
2017-07-25  441.35  541.66  338.09  406.90         384.77
2017-07-26  407.08  486.16  321.79  365.82         345.66
2017-07-27  417.10  460.97  367.78  385.48         294.46

Observe that the tail of the column close_4_head contains NaNs.

> data_subset_BCH.tail()
               open     high      low    close  close_4_ahead
2018-01-06  2583.71  2829.69  2481.36  2786.65        2895.38
2018-01-07  2784.68  3071.16  2730.31  2786.88            NaN
2018-01-08  2786.60  2810.32  2275.07  2421.47            NaN
2018-01-09  2412.36  2502.87  2346.68  2391.56            NaN
2018-01-10  2390.02  2961.20  2332.48  2895.38            NaN

Rolling Windows

Pandas provides a function called rolling() to find the rolling or moving statistics of values in a column over a specified window. The window is the “number of observations used in calculating the statistic”. So we can find the rolling sums or rolling means of a variable. These statistics are vital when working with timeseries datasets. Let’s see some examples

Let’s find the rolling means for the closing variable over a 30-day window.

# find the rolling means for Bitcoin cash
> rolling_means = data_subset_BCH['close'].rolling(window=30).mean()

The first few values of the rolling_means variable contain NaNs because the method computes the rolling statistic from the earliest time to the latest time in the dataset. Let’s print out the first 5 values using the head method.

> rolling_means.head()
2017-07-23   NaN
2017-07-24   NaN
2017-07-25   NaN
2017-07-26   NaN
2017-07-27   NaN

Now see the last 5 values using the tail method.

> rolling_means.tail()
2018-01-06    2403.932000
2018-01-07    2448.023667
2018-01-08    2481.737333
2018-01-09    2517.353667
2018-01-10    2566.420333
Name: close, dtype: float64

Let’s do a quick plot of the rolling means using the Pandas plotting function. More on plotting in the next section.

# plot the rolling means for Bitcoin cash
> data_subset_BCH['close'].rolling(window=30).mean().plot(label='Rolling Average over 30 days')
Figure 2: Rolling Average Closing price over 30 days for Bitcon Cash.